"Honoring Our Heroes: The Lifelong Legacy of Teachers"
National Teachers Month 2024 entitled “Together4Teachers” is a timely and meaningful celebration that renews the acknowledgment of educators’ contribution in influencing not only one’s personal life, but the society as a whole. They are not only lecturers but the teachers are the core of our society, the leaders and the guide of generations, the carrier of values, the bearers of knowledge, strength and character in learners. It is not just limited to providing knowledge, knowledge with the ability to determine the tone and potential for future leaders, innovators and citizens who would shape the future of our communities.

Although their main objectives are teaching and passing knowledge, teachers still help students develop critical thinking, curiosity and help them overcome difficulties. They teach their students lessons on hard work, tolerance and honesty and what their students become in the society is not just academic achievers but people with good ethical standards. As a graduate education instructor, it is comforting that the program is dedicated to not only preparing future teachers but shaping responsible and empathetic citizens.

As we celebrate teachers this month, we have to equally appreciate the dedication they bring in their teachings to their communities and the vigor they dedicate themselves with to teaching. Even with challenges like limited resources and tough conditions, teachers remain strong figures who inspire and motivate their students. They are the initiators of curiosity and creativity, they spend time and prepare the minds of generation X’s for a nation’s intelligence and character.

• [NATIONAL TEACHERS’ MONTH 2024] Tarpaulin Layout with Cert/Program (Canva Pro/Edu ) Localized/MS PPT by staratrestlearningenghine - Raket.PH. Retrieved from https://www.raket.ph/staratrestlearningenghine/products/national-teachers-month-2024-tarpaulin-layout-with-certprogram-canva-proedu-localizedms-ppt
• Sambatyon, E. (2019, December 3). Mindanao graduates lead over 83,000 new licensed Teachers. GoodNewsPilipinas.com. Retrieved from https://www.goodnewspilipinas.com/mindanao-graduates-lead-over-83000-new-licensed-teachers/
• Ronquillo, M. (2022, October 9). For outstanding PH teachers, no (American) child left behind. The Manila Times. Retrieved from https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/10/09/opinion/columns/for-outstanding-ph-teachers-no-american-child-left-behind/1861484
• TeachersDay Flowers to Teachers Bow picture and HD photos | LovePik. (2017, August 9). LovePik. Retrieved from https://lovepik.com/image-500605092/teachersday-flowers-to-teachers-bow.html
• Lamb, B. (2023, March 6). “We are not trained for this”: Why administrators need a bold plan for teacher support in 2022. Swivl. Retrieved from https://www.swivl.com/2022/01/06/teacher-support/
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