New Quarter, New Learnings: A Reflection on the Third Quarter

    The third quarter of the school year has been one of my most innovative yet. It has been a period of immense growth, where I not only gained new technical skills but also learned to push through challenges and understand the importance of perseverance. Looking back, I can confidently say that I’ve learned a lot about web development, particularly HTML and CSS, which I initially found quite intimidating.

    When we started learning about webpage design in HTML, I was excited yet nervous. I had heard of HTML before, but it was only when I started creating a webpage from scratch that I truly grasped its power and potential. I became familiar with HTML tags, like the Listing and Frames tags, and learned how they could structure a webpage. The beauty of HTML lies in its simplicity, each tag serves a specific function, and once you understand how they work, building a webpage starts to feel like assembling a puzzle. It felt incredibly satisfying to see the pieces come together.

However, the real challenge came when I dove into CSS. At first, CSS seemed like a whole new language to me. I had a hard time understanding how to make my webpage look exactly how I wanted it. Unlike HTML, which deals with structure, CSS is all about style, designing and positioning elements, colors, fonts, and layouts. The deeper I went, the more complex it became. I found myself struggling to get the syntax right, and no matter how many tutorials I watched or how much I practiced, things didn’t always come out as expected.

    Time management became a real issue during this phase. Balancing schoolwork, personal time, and trying to learn something new was stressful. I spent a lot of late nights watching videos, re-reading lessons, and experimenting with different CSS styles until I finally began to understand it. It was frustrating at times, but I knew that in order to improve, I couldn’t give up. It was through these failures that I started seeing progress.

    What helped me push through these challenges was the mindset that failure is not the opposite of success—it’s part of the process. I didn’t let my mistakes discourage me; instead, I took them as learning opportunities. Every time something didn’t work out, I learned a new way not to do it, and slowly but surely, the pieces started to fit together. By the end, I had mastered the art of CSS styling, and I was proud of the webpage design I had created.

This quarter has taught me that success isn’t about avoiding failure, but about learning from it and pushing through obstacles. I’ve realized that with persistence and a willingness to learn, even the toughest challenges can be overcome. While it hasn’t been easy, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made.

    As we move into the next quarter, I’m excited to continue building on what I’ve learned. I want to maintain, if not improve, my performance, and most importantly, apply these skills in real-life situations. The world of web development is vast, and I can’t wait to explore it further. This quarter was just the beginning, and I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my learning journey.

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Arianna Huffington Quote: “Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.” (n.d.). Retrieved from
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  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences. keep up the good work

  2. what a nice and amazing experiences, keep up the good work!

  3. What a Wonderful experience! I hope you've passed through this challenges that u face this passed quarter. Keep the good work and improved you skills!!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!


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